Goal Setting

On Monday, I will be having my students look at the list of “hard things” they wrote in August and reviewed in October. Our school wide theme for this year is “Do Hard Things” based on this book. Each student and class was encouraged to decide on what “hard thing” they would do this year. I […]

ICEC Chiang Mai 2012

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4 NIV “Teaching Children Truth” was the conference theme. ICEC (International Christian Educator’s Conference) is sponsored by Association of Christian Schools International(ACSI). The conference was hosted by Grace International School, Chiang Mai, Thailand and held at the Empress […]

Technology Integration Vision and Roles

About two years ago the Elementary division at Christian Academy in Japan(CAJ) began plans to integrate technology into the classroom. One of the first activities we did as an elementary staff was think about what 21st century learning is and is not. Our discussion were focused around an article that our principal gave us to […]

Course 5 Final Project Reflection

In September I needed to choose a project to work on for our final Coetail course. Since I still was in the process of finishing course 4 because of family circumstances I was having difficulty deciding on a project. In consultation with Kim Cofino, the course instructor, I decided to make a Voicethread with my […]

Blogging and Portfolios

A year ago I started blogging for the Coetail courses and for my class. I tried several options last year for my class blog. Eventually I settled for a blog on edublogs that was password protected. I really felt at the time that having a password somewhat defeated the purpose of a blog however, that […]

Where Did I Begin? Where Can You Begin?

In November I will be attending and presenting at the ICEC Thailand 2012 sponsored by ACSI. I submitted my proposal last spring for a workshop on Integrating Technology in Elementary school. In preparation I would like to share some of the path our school took here on my blog. I would also like to use […]

Mobile Learning Devices

How is technology helping student learning? Is it just another gadget or are students more engaged and meeting the learning targets? I have read two articles this week that have me thinking about how I am using technology and how I want to use technology. Much of the first 4 Coetail courses were aimed at […]

Voicethread Ups and Downs

The final project for my Coetail Course 5 was to be a Voicethread of my students explaining an addition strategy. Last year I had my students collaborate to create a poster that was uploaded to Voicethread and then wanted each student to share something from the poster. The posters got uploaded but the voices never […]

Moving Forward

It hardly seems possible that we have been in school over one month already. Time is flying by. I finally was able to finish the introductory video of the teachers who work with the second grade students. I wanted it done for Back to School Day, but that didn’t happen:-( Teacher Introductions from Jean Hino […]

Final Project – Course 4 Coetail

Finally! I started a project in May about ocean research, the students did the projects but I wasn’t in Japan to see what they were doing or how it went. I just recently found the photos and some of the videos that were taken on the day of their presentations. I am really proud of […]