Final Project – Course 4 Coetail

Finally! I started a project in May about ocean research, the students did the projects but I wasn’t in Japan to see what they were doing or how it went. I just recently found the photos and some of the videos that were taken on the day of their presentations. I am really proud of what the students and substitute teacher accomplished.

Ocean Presentations from Jean Hino on Vimeo.

Not knowing that I had video until today, I created a new project that we will be able to do earlier in the year and lead up to the ocean project. I wrote a unit planner for our Non-fiction unit that will incorporate research and a final presentation. We have had several opportunities to use Voicethread already this year and will also be using it to create a math project for my Coetail Course 5 project. I will be introducing Kidspiration and the graphic organizers available there. I am really looking forward to expanding our Nonfiction unit and to see what the students create this year. I will also be interested in seeing what this class does until the end of the year with the ocean project.

Unit Planner is available here.


3 thoughts on “Final Project – Course 4 Coetail

  1. I love the Ocean Creature project, Jean! It’s wonderful to see students getting involved with all of the materials to create their creatures and habitats for the aquarium. In my opinion, with the online research component, this is a unit with a good balance of tech and hands-on opportunities, which are so important for kids at this age. It is obvious from your Vimeo presentation that they loved what they were doing and learned a lot! I found this link, and while it’s a WebQuest activity, it looks very similar to your unit!
    Would love to be a student in your class! So engaging and FUN!

  2. Thank you Jamie. I would say it was a great unit to teach and watch the students but I was in the States for most of it. I had introduced the idea but then left for a family emergency. I was thrilled to find the video clips on the camera. It took a while to find though since the date on the camera no longer works and they all go back to 1980! I’m looking forward to checking out your link.

  3. I can only imagine how frustrating it was to miss seeing your kids accomplish all this great stuff. But it’s a testament to how much work you did leading up to this assignment, that they were able to take on ownership of this project without you there. And I agree with Jaime’s comment, that it’s nice to see a mix of hand-on with tech. Thanks for sharing and really glad you were able to see their work through the video.

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